“You know what QVC stands for……Quick Vaginal Coitus” ~Sherman […]
I Can’t Believe This Pervert……Quit Looking At Me!
You dirty pervert…Quit looking at my boobs, can’t you see I am in the middle of something…what the hell kind of country is this? Don’t worry about what I’m doing with my Tits……… I support, promote, and encourage breastfeeding. Not only is it completely natural and proven best for baby, but I […]
Dear 16 Year Old Me……………………………………..
Please….Share this….. Tweet it…..Facebook it……G+……….Stumble……Digg…… any possible way….share….. Never has a message been so important…………………………………… […]
A Christmas Gift From Your Child
With only a couple days left of school before Christmas break the gifts from school are beginning to trickle their way home. Those of us that are parents know exactly what I am talking about. Those gifts our Children make at school that no matter how ugly of an eyesore the crappy gift is…it stil […]
Sometimes You Need A Good Laugh…How About Now?
Shit that made me laugh Sunday……… Have an awesome day Go ahead…Stumble this funny shit with others! […]
If You Swear, I Will Follow You…..Funny Stuff Today!
If you have read my blog for more than a week you know I cuss like a dirty drunk sailor! I love randomly surfing through the internet and finding fellow bloggers that share my love of swearing! Just a note to my readers. If I stop by and your post has any type of swearing, tattoos or nudity I […]
I Love Your Freakin Face Philip DeFranco!!
Some of you already know I am a HUGE fan of the Philip DeFranco Show on YouTube. He recently went on tour overseas. They did a huge Meet and Greet in Dubin. I had to share the footage with you! Enjoy! […]
Crazed Warrior is back…Want In?
Welcome to the Weekend Warrior Blog Hop! There are so many great blog hops out there. Here’s the place to meet new bloggers. While you’re hopping, double check that you’re also following each other on Twitter, FB, etc. It’s always fun to meet new bloggers […]
News that Makes Me Rant! ..Bumbo Broke Baby Colby because of Toys R Us and Lowe’s Hates Muslims…
As you all know I am not a news blogger. The scope of my blog ranges from humor, mom, parenting, books…that type of thing. But…occasionally I come across a headline or a topic that inspires me to put my two cents in. This week I have managed to have two topics fall into my target of ranting. Tod […]