Wow! The past three days have been sooooooo long! Broden came down with a fever on Monday. I didn’t think anything of it since he is teething and his gums are so swollen. I gave him some infants advil and some baby orajel and continued on with our day. Monday night his eyes started to puff up and his fever was getting worse and he cried..oh how that child cried. ALL NIGHT! Yep all night. If I laid him down he cried even harder. I ended up rocking him all night when finally at 4:30 am I was able to put him in his car seat and rock it with my foot and he finally fell asleep which meant YAY me too! I was far beyond exhausted! All day Tuesday I fought the battle of fevers, crying and major lack of sleep. Tuesday night was just as difficult for Brody to fall asleep but he did get more sleep. Wednesday we were still fighting the fever battle when Zane came down with the same thing. Swollen face, puffy eyes, runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing, coughing and yes FEVER ugh! Now I had two sick little boys and was starting to feel the illness creeping through my body, GREAT now I am getting it too. DAMN! Last night was torture! Poor Zanes symptoms are way more severe than Brodens were. We had to fight to keep the boys eating and drinking and taking medicine. Zanes fever was so bad last night Chris came down and helped me control his temp. Zane had to take a bath in the middle of night, against his will might I add, he was not happy at all. We had to force cold liquids which was quite a mess. He had to be wrapped in a wet blanket and we had to have the fan on high. When he finally started falling asleep, the poor guy was so out of it he started talking in his sleep and it seemed like he was hallucinating. Chris and I rallied, turned on cartoons and managed to bring his temp down to 100.5 with his fever at the highest being 102.7 we decided it was time for one of us to get some sleep. Since I seem to be coming down with this yuck Chris sent me up to bed. After a little bit he came up and said Zane was crying for me and his fever was high again. I came down and helped out, calmed him down turned on cartoons and headed back up for a little more sleep. Chris finally manged to keep both boys down and manageable when it was time for him and the older kids to wake up and start their day. Chris brought the boys upstairs and put them to bed. He let me know the plan and headed off to work. When I woke up the boys were just starting to stir. Broden seems to be coming out of it just fine looking much better and catching up on some sleep. Zane is still looking like a Peterbilt ran him over. Poor Boy! It is going to be another long day and night. He is starting to whine for Mommy so I had better get going. Until next time enjoy the pictures and video..oh in the mix of all this, while taking video of Zane talking in his sleep I noticed Zane my precious 3 year old still roots around in his sleep! How adorable is that!
Germs, Fevers & All Nighters
March 31, 2011 by leave a comment
Hope they get better soon (and you too!). Sick little munchkins are no fun at all!!
Hi! Just found you through a blog hop and now following, i hope you can follow back also! I’d appreciate it so much
Oh boy that’s so tough when our kiddo’s are sick…I hope your boys feel better soon!
Thank you for stopping by and participating in my Having Fun Blog Hop this past Thursday! I am a new follower of yours.
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We’re just coming out of a 5-day fever haze with our little girl…I feel your pain…Nice blog, followed.
Your newest follower from Friday blog hop. Hope your sweet boys are feeling better. It stinks when your children arent feeling well.