This afternoon I woke up early from our daily nap and my little guy, Broden, was still sleeping so I tip toed to the living room and turned on the television. Up popped the Ellen Show. I have always loved Ellen and got back to work on my laptop. Suddenly I caught myself scrambling for the remote to hit record as tears were pushed from my eyes as I laughed hysterically while two members of the Ellen show, Andy and Amy head to Universal Studio’s Haunted House.
This was honestly one of the funniest bits I have seen in a long time! Even now as I watch it on my DVR I crack up and it seems to get funnier every time! After watching it for the seventh time I looked up the video on Youtube and was ecstatic to find it, and now I am sharing it with you!
I saw this the other day and I couldn’t help myself with laughter and tears…too funny!
Lol!!! Thanks for sharing!!
too funny! Amazing how adults get just as goofy as kids over Halloween!
Hilarious! That made my morning – awesome
OMG… I think I would never do that hahaha!!
Halloween haunted houses = <3 Particularly the ones that will scare the pants off of you. Thanks for sharing!
Ha ha ha….good stuff. Thanks for sharing.
I wanted this the other day and was cracking up! I love Ellen
thanks for sharing
LOL!!!! I love Ellen especially her Halloween antics!
I love those Halloween haunted house scare cams – you always catch good stuff!