Best Prank Calls of 2012 – Friday Night Cranks #FUNNY

Best Prank Calls of 2012 – Friday Night Cranks #FUNNY
Last year I found a prank call show on YouTube and have been laughing ever since!
Jared, Kristin and weekly guests put on a live prank call show every Friday night.
Recently they released the video Greatest Prank Calls of 2012 
Feel free to watch and laugh (contains explicit language)

You can find Jared and Kristin every Friday on 

Friday Night Cranks           Twitter               Facebook

What was your favorite prank call skit? Which one were you shocked they pulled off?

Greatest Prank Calls of 2012 with Jared & Kristin of @fnc Friday Night Cranks featured on Moms Bookshelf –>
— Miranda Sherman (@MirandaSman) January 22, 2013

About Miranda Sherman

Miranda Sherman is a stay at home Mom of four & full time student majoring in Business Management & Marketing from Detroit Lakes, Minnesota. She blogs about her crazy family of six & two dogs on her blog Minnesota Miranda, featuring book and product reviews, giveaways, news, parenting tips and advice, shopping, recipes, fashion, travel, deals and so much more.” Find me on Google+


  1. Great video! Crank calling has lost its appeal since caller id became popular!

  2. Funny, great video. Thank you for sharing.

  3. How funny! I used to love crank calling people when I was a kid!

  4. Thank you for sharing, hilarious.

  5. Hilarious!!!!

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