This Weeks So You Think You Can Dance Highlight Videos #SYTYCD

As you all know I love dance and music.
This is the first year I have faithfully watched So You Think You Can Dance and I am in LOVE!
Here are some of this weeks highlights!

What do you think? Anyone stick out for you? Do you have a winner prediction?

About Miranda Sherman

Miranda Sherman is a stay at home Mom of four & full time student majoring in Business Management & Marketing from Detroit Lakes, Minnesota. She blogs about her crazy family of six & two dogs on her blog Minnesota Miranda, featuring book and product reviews, giveaways, news, parenting tips and advice, shopping, recipes, fashion, travel, deals and so much more.” Find me on Google+


  1. My daughter got me hooked on this show a couple of years ago… They’re all so crazy talented – it’s hard to pick just one!

  2. Amazing episode! Check out our SYTYCD fan site, with streaming pictures and database of all seasons:

  3. I love that show too! I found you via the Mommy’s Mingle and am happy to be your newest follower! I’d love for you to follow me back at

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