Dear Mother Nature…Get Off Your Ass…Get To Work!

Dear Mother Nature,                            December 14, 2011


      I have a bone to pick with you. It is the middle of December and as I sit here at my computer staring out my dining room window, this is my view………
Dear Mother Nature…Get Off Your Ass…Get To Work!Dear Mother Nature…Get Off Your Ass…Get To Work!
This is ridiculous! While everyone wishes for a white Christmas we always have one. We have usually had a blizzard or two by now, but no, I get this icky brown fog shit. 
You better step up your game! Minnesota is supposed to have a good 10 inches of snow by this time of year. We have had nothing! NOTHING!
Not only is this an issue with aesthetics and my personal wish for a beautiful white Christmas, you could potentially ruin MeMe’s Girl Scout trip on the 28th.
Our Girl Scout troop plans to head out for an activity that involves a whole day of dog sledding, snowshoeing, ice skating, sleigh rides and hot coca. 
So, for the sake of pleasing not only our troop, but hundreds of girls from several troops throughout the area I request snow…and lots of it!
I would like a real good thick base and then of course a good storm of the heavy white fluffy stuff! 
I mean seriously, why am I still wearing hoodies and slip ons in the middle of December? 
Just in case you forgot what snow are some pictures of winter past……just to remind your slacking ass!
Dear Mother Nature…Get Off Your Ass…Get To Work!

Dear Mother Nature…Get Off Your Ass…Get To Work!
Dear Mother Nature…Get Off Your Ass…Get To Work!
Dear Mother Nature…Get Off Your Ass…Get To Work!

 Dear Mother Nature…Get Off Your Ass…Get To Work!

Dear Mother Nature…Get Off Your Ass…Get To Work!

Dear Mother Nature…Get Off Your Ass…Get To Work!
Bring on the snow!!
About Miranda Sherman

Miranda Sherman is a stay at home Mom of four & full time student majoring in Business Management & Marketing from Detroit Lakes, Minnesota. She blogs about her crazy family of six & two dogs on her blog Minnesota Miranda, featuring book and product reviews, giveaways, news, parenting tips and advice, shopping, recipes, fashion, travel, deals and so much more.” Find me on Google+


  1. I just want it to snow a little bit because I want my little girl to see snow! I’m scared to wish for it though.. .hah

  2. I know what you mean, but be careful what you wish for ;0)

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