Meet Dan Savage, Educating Young America through Q & A

   I have fallen in love with another man. Shocking right? Before you go jumping down my throat and my husband’s phone starts ringing off the hook, hear me out! 
My husband knows all about him. Over the past several weeks Sherman has watched my infatuation with my new guy grow. He has watched him make me laugh, blush, giggle and listen to his every word. 

Meet Dan Savage, Educating Young America through Q & A
He is a very interesting guy; he calls it as he sees it and doesn’t mince words. He often offends people with his sheer candid opinions.  He is blunt, and I admire that about him! 
His name is Dan Savage. He is 47 years old. He is gay and married to a man named Terry.
Dan Savage is an author, journalist, newspaper editor, syndicated columnist and co-founder of the It Gets Better Project and most recently the star of an MTV show called Savage U. 
I had never heard of Dan Savage until the night MTV debuted his new show called Savage U. Dan Savage and his sidekick Lauren travel across the U.S visiting college campuses. During the Q & A segment of the show Dan answers students questions in a very cut and dry, to the point style. No mincing words to protect others from being offended, it is what it is. 
He also drops by student hang outs, campus hot spots and bars where he answers questions or gets a feel for the student’s knowledge or lack thereof about sex and relationships. No topic is taboo and he will answer any question. He is funny, yet serious. He is non-judgmental and educated. 
Meet Dan Savage, Educating Young America through Q & A

Personally I love Dan! He has the balls to talk about sex and not tip toe around the issues skirted by mainstream society. He addresses masturbation, safe sex and physical insecurities that are kept under lock and key in normal conversation. He is here to educate and advise. While I wouldn’t feel comfortable with him talking to my middle schooler (of course) but I think it would make for an awesome senior last day of high school optional assembly, with parental permission.  I love that he is visiting colleges across the US and I hope this continues. 

Now before you get all amped up again with rage, stop. Think about it like this. Sit back and think of the top 10 questions or topics you would feel uncomfortable talking to your child about, child being almost legal adult or already moved out of the house, grown child. Would you be able to have a conversation about masturbation and sex toys? Would you be able to answer possible fetish questions, or personal physical anatomy questions? Many of you are shocked I even typed these words. So if you can’t answer these questions, where do you think your kids are getting these answers? The internet…we all know the material out there might not always be best, their friends…ha! Bad idea right?! Dan Savage will address these questions, fears, insecurities and issues. 
Don’t get me wrong he is awesome at talking about sex, but he also is an amazing relationship columnist. 
Now to address those of you out there throwing a fit about his sexuality..get over it! No, he is not out there hypnotizing the young adults of America and magically changing them all to gay and transgender for some big, secret orgy. UGH! Dear prejudice America, they were born that way and THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH IT! 

Ok, I am climbing down off my soap box. If you have not heard of Dan Savage I highly recommend you check out the links below. Look around, and then stop back and comment.

Meet Dan Savage, Educating Young America through Q & A
  • What do you think of Dan Savage? 
  • How do you feel about the show Savage U?
  • Would you feel comfortable with your grown children attending an assembly with Dan Savage as the guest speaker?

About Miranda Sherman

Miranda Sherman is a stay at home Mom of four & full time student majoring in Business Management & Marketing from Detroit Lakes, Minnesota. She blogs about her crazy family of six & two dogs on her blog Minnesota Miranda, featuring book and product reviews, giveaways, news, parenting tips and advice, shopping, recipes, fashion, travel, deals and so much more.” Find me on Google+

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