So You Think You Can Dance 7/11 Episode Highlight #SYTYCD

Here are my favorite performances this week.
Audrey Case & Matthew Kazmierczak

Janelle Issis & Dareian Kujawa

Lindsay Arnold & Cole Horibe

Which of the 3 videos did you like the most?

So You Think You Can Dance 7/11 Episode Highlight #SYTYCD #Video… via @MirandaSman Moms Bookshelf & More
— Miranda Sherman (@MirandaSman) July 12, 2012

About Miranda Sherman

Miranda Sherman is a stay at home Mom of four & full time student majoring in Business Management & Marketing from Detroit Lakes, Minnesota. She blogs about her crazy family of six & two dogs on her blog Minnesota Miranda, featuring book and product reviews, giveaways, news, parenting tips and advice, shopping, recipes, fashion, travel, deals and so much more.” Find me on Google+


  1. I loved the Audrey & Matthew routine, although I wish that Travis had shown off Matthew’s beautiful technique a little more (it was kind of Audrey-heavy). Also, does Matthew look like Ryan Gosling to anyone else? I’m betting that gets him some votes

  2. Lauren,
    Great to see a fellow book blogger who LOVES SYTYCD! While the routine was very heavy on the Audrey side, Matthew worked his little rear off with all those lifts and his intensity and their connection was the crucial part in that dance. Watching those two you would think they had been best friends and lovers their entire life! WOW, what a connection. Choreography was superb in that one!
    I really liked the Paso Doble as well. He did outshine her but it is a very male biased dance being it displays control, and testosterone and posturing. Lindsay did a fantastic job keeping up with him and her experience shined through as the spotlight was not solely on cole.
    I stopped by our post and LOVED it! Can’t wait to keep doing these posts

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