Pre Kindergarten Sight Word Flash Cards

Sight Words Flash Cards Kindergarten Moms Bookshelf Printable
Pre-K Printable Sight Word Flash Cards
    It’s here, the half way mark for the school year. In a few short months the kids will be sent home with their final report cards for the year listing next years assigned classroom and teacher. Most of us have no doubt misplaced our kids flash cards and worksheets. No worries, I have a complete list of printable, pre-K high frequency flash cards for you and better yet…They’re FREE! 
 *Click to enlarge before printing! 
sight word flash cards a and away big blue can

sight word flash cards come, find funny down for go

sight word flash cards help i is here in it

sight word flash cards jump look me little make my

sight word flash card not play run one red said

sight word flash card see three two the to up

sight word flash cards we where yellow you

Pre Kindergarten Sight Word Flash Cards
I hope this has been useful, please share. 
About Miranda Sherman

Miranda Sherman is a stay at home Mom of four & full time student majoring in Business Management & Marketing from Detroit Lakes, Minnesota. She blogs about her crazy family of six & two dogs on her blog Minnesota Miranda, featuring book and product reviews, giveaways, news, parenting tips and advice, shopping, recipes, fashion, travel, deals and so much more.” Find me on Google+


  1. These are awesome, I will share this and come back and print these. I need to start teaching my son some stuff again, I have been a slacker since I had health issues in Sept.

  2. What an amazing list of sight words, this will be so great for parents to work with their kiddos.

  3. Thanks so much for these. My son is in Pre-K and is sounding words out but I want to start working on some sight words at home.

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