Cherry Arrives #LetsTalkBums with Cottonelle

Cherry Arrives #LetsTalkBums with Cottonelle
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. As an Ambassador I have been compensated for this post, 
however all opinions and views are 100% my own, uninfluenced, honest and accurate.
     Last week I told my readers about Cottonelle FreshCare Flushable Cleansing Cloths and the amazing benefits of revamping your bathroom routine. Time to get down to business and #LetsTalkBums. Have you tried Cottonelle’s cleansing cloths? I absolutely love these wet wipes! There are amazing for cleaning up all the bum mess of potty training Broden.

   Let’s be honest, dry toilet paper alone does not do the job. Using a wet cleansing cloth will be far more effective when cleaning your bum, not to mention refreshing. I like that the cloths aren’t filled with perfumes and scent. 

In this weeks video, Cherry Healey steps off the plane and immediately gets to work. As Cherry walks around the airport asking people whether or not they have tried Cottonelle FreshCare wipes, people are caught off guard, but happy to talk bums and their bathroom habits.


     I was surprised how many people had not heard of Cottonelle wipes and even more shocked that people didn’t realize that they could be used for bums ad bathrooms. One person mentioned great for wiping hands, tables and then the best yet, Nature Man and his love of leaves. I must insist…Cottonelle Wipes are 100% more effective and refreshing than wiping your bum with leaves. 
    What’s stopping you? I highly recommend you go out and try FreshCare cleansing cloths by Cottonelle, try a new bum routine for a cleaner, fresher you!    
Cherry Arrives #LetsTalkBums with Cottonelle
 So while Cherry continues to approach American’s and question them about their bathroom cleaning routine, Lets Talk Bums over on Facebook! Have you tried Cottonelle’s FreshCare wet wipes yet? If so, What are your thoughts? Do you have any feedback for Cottonelle?
About Miranda Sherman

Miranda Sherman is a stay at home Mom of four & full time student majoring in Business Management & Marketing from Detroit Lakes, Minnesota. She blogs about her crazy family of six & two dogs on her blog Minnesota Miranda, featuring book and product reviews, giveaways, news, parenting tips and advice, shopping, recipes, fashion, travel, deals and so much more.” Find me on Google+


  1. We love Cottonelle and have used their wipes and like them!

  2. Would be great for those little kids who still need help wiping.

  3. I haven’t heard of the product either but I’m sure they’d be a welcome addition to our bathroom!

  4. Great job!! These are perfect for my family!!

  5. I saw the commercial for this and thought about trying them out. We all want the cleanest bums

  6. Love Cottonelle products!

  7. thank you, we use baby wipes but my kids tend to use to many and clog the toilet!

  8. Thanks for the suggestion! Ive never tried Cottonelle, but I’ll be sure to pick some up next time i’m at the store!

  9. These always sound lovely – we don’t have this brand here as far as I know but we have one very similar that I use

  10. The background music is Crafty Party by Gert Wilden

  11. what’s the name of the music in the commercial

  12. Just bought these, my son broke his arm and these were perfect so he could help himself in the bathroom.

  13. I love cottonelle, the tissue and the wipes.

  14. I love cotonelle! I think its hands down one of the best brands! Thanks so much for sharing!

  15. We love Cottonelle product in our home! (FaceBook: TJ SIMS)

  16. Never tried them, will keep my eyes open for them

  17. welcome to the Cottonelle ambassador program. Although I’ve been brought in as the humorist and you as a mom- we’re both doing the same thing– spreading the “comfortable bum” awareness!
    Thanks for doing an awesome job! Looking forward to more!

  18. I’m definitely intrigued, although I think our pipes wouldn’t handle them. Our Kandoo wipes our daughter uses clogged up our pipes and we had to pay a plumber to un-clog. D’oh! New house, I say!!!!

  19. I love using these for my kids to use in the bathroom since some aren’t very skilled at wiping! Also great in the purse for everything from bathroom needs to wiping noses, cleaning hands, etc

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