Alabama Moon – Movie Review

Alabama Moon – Movie Review
     Moon Blake was raised in the woods of Alabama by his paranoid father Oliver. When Moon’s father dies from an untreated leg wound Moon sets out to make the journey to Alaska to avoid people and government as his Father told him to trust no one! 
  After a run in with the police Moon is sent to a boys group home camp where Moon swears his escape. Moon meets Kit a sick boy battling illness and the camp bully Hal where the plot thickens and the adventure begins.
     This movie is rated PG and I personally believe it is more appropriate for PG-13. The movie is filled with death, sadness and inappropriate behavior. Some of the settings were very scary for young viewers and while the movie is meant to be an adventure and a story there are very tragic moments of the story. 
     I would advise watching the movie ahead of time to judge whether appropriate for your child’s maturity level before relying on the movie rating. 
     My family liked the movie but the kids were pretty scared by the beginning and asked to change movies at one point. Tears were shed later in the movie during several very emotional heartfelt scenes involving illness, friendship and death. 

Alabama Moon – Movie Review – Rated PG but May Not be suitable for your Children … via Moms Bookshelf & More: —->
— Miranda Sherman (@MirandaSman) September 16, 2012

About Miranda Sherman

Miranda Sherman is a stay at home Mom of four & full time student majoring in Business Management & Marketing from Detroit Lakes, Minnesota. She blogs about her crazy family of six & two dogs on her blog Minnesota Miranda, featuring book and product reviews, giveaways, news, parenting tips and advice, shopping, recipes, fashion, travel, deals and so much more.” Find me on Google+


  1. This is so cool..thanks so much for the info. Love it! viewster

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